Wednesday, August 8, 2007


hello all! right now i have limited time to post and there are people all around me talking very loudly in italian so i feel very distracted and frustrated witht his internet situation,but otherthan the fact that the space bar hates meand so do the loud peoeple, imhavinga good dayi n italy! i am in vincenza and its a wonderrful overcast day and there was rain and thunder and lightning last nigth! it was amazing! its now very humid but muchcooler! omg i only have five minutes! scary! ok well today we are gonna be headed to venice at 1 and its likea n hour and a half drive ina bus that totally looks awesome and huge,but then you get inh there are realized that you cant move your knees or move at all really becayuse its just so tight and small.LAME! but anyhwho, its been niceto have a bus to take around because yesterday we drove around toallthese italian villas and saw crazy coolthings! we went to the villa rotanda which i am requiredc to write more about it proabably tonight or tmro. it was a very beautiful place! i cant wait to post more pictures and show off these really cool places that im getting tosee! it maybe a few days untill i can editpictures and put them online because i am traveling around with the group right now andi didnt want to risk it and bring my computer., i have too many picturesa nds tuff to risk dropping it or gettingit stolen.
ohhhh not much timeleft, but i love you all and i will be updating this thing againsoon, also a special message to tami to make her jealous.... this week is the last week of the saldi where pretty much everything in everystore in all of europe is about fifty percentoff!
oh have to go!
lovelove love love stevi


Unknown said...

Good Morning,

I hope your knee is feeling better. Tami called and tried to post a reply but was unable to post so I hope it works for her later. You need to try and find a lovely Italian Leather bag that you can bring home and share with your Mommy........ :-) Love you

Tami said...

You are cruel Stevi!!! Welllll, just wanted you to know that your mom and I are taking notes so that when we go to Italy we will have to keep in mind this Saldi event. Just think, a day of glorious shopping with everything 50% off and after that enjoying a bottle of Chianti relishing all of our treasures. Ahhhhhhh!!!! Well I guess for now you will have to enjoy a glass of wine and toast us that we will get there one of these days. We might even take you with us to be our tour guide and interpretor. I am anxious to hear about Venice. Have a great day

PS: you might as well get your mom her own leather bag, I know that once she touches the leather she wont want to share. You know how she is about soft textures. Take care Love Ya, Tami