Friday, August 3, 2007

Duomo and the torture museum

Today we got up early after a late night of dancing at a huge neighborhood party I traveled around with the group and went to the Duomo where it was absolutely gorgeous! i can hardly wait untill i can get back to the room and edit them and get them ready to show you all. however im really not so sure who all has been looking at this because i have recieved zero emails today. that was a sad thing! i eagerly run up the stairs to the aha office only to find that no one has left me anything. it was quite a downer after coming back from a torture museum filled with some of the worst things i have ever seen or hear of in my life, then i go to yet another store to search for oatmeal, only to find the exact same thing, ground oats and thats it. not even some sugary oatmeal mix. i am SOOOOOO obsessing about this! i want oatmeal!
ok im done ranting. yesterday we had orientation here and learn about what we are to do in this journal because not only is it a way for me to fill in maybe my 7 viewers (my family, hannah, mary and maybe some sad lonely person who doesnt know me!) all of which i love by the way, ESPECIALLY when they take the time to go visit my mommy and call me, and totally rock my world with their wonderful voice. cough cough HANNAH cough. hehe. shit im suppose to be in class. bye

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