Friday, August 3, 2007


alright, well earlier i was very rushed and super cranky when writing in my blog, so this is an additition to what i was saying. i really miss some of you, so i would absolutely love emails from anyone who is reading this! my email is and if you have the time send me a short note or question, i would LOVE it!
so back to what i was trying to explain about my blog, this is a blog that i am required to keep for my travels with the u of o studio art program and each day, or everyother day we are asked to write up a formal response to everything that we see. this will be broken up into three parts where i will first type of what my inital response was, then i will further describe what i saw, then finally i will offer some sort of explination or emotion. this last response i think will be the most interesting to write and to read! its called an expressionist response where we combine the formal response and inital and talk of the relationships between the two.
these of course will be in addition or pictures and random stories that i happen to remember or find amusing.
ok so BACK to ranting about oatmeal. they dont have it in italy. i found that out fort sure today. i kind of want to cry. i have considered seeing if there was a cheap way to ship it here from a surrounding area or maybe amazon, but i have yet to really put the full effort into it, im SO tired right now! last night we stayed up pretty late at this neighborhood party thats located pretty much in the backyard of some of the boys appartment. it was outrageous! so all of siena is split up into different neighborhoods and they all have a mascot, a jocky and a horse assigned to each of the groups. these groups/neighborhoods have been around for sooooo long and they have had this friendly(ish) competition going forever! in about two weeks or so there will be a giant horse race though out the inter walls of the city where they will compete for the title of the best neighborhood in siena or something like that. so anywho, each group throws a huge party for all of siena complete with dancing, drinking, games, and a sausage cart! these parties go on for weeks and are absolutely huge! while there i was terrified of talking to people but i did my best to at least get around with out offending anyone and some people were even eager to practice their english and talk to me for a bit! it was cool.
the computer screen is pretty much just blurring in and out of focus at this point, i am starving and so tired, so i am going to trek back to my apartment. but i look forward to reading emails or comments from some of you, because remember, i LOVE you and want to hear about YOUR LIFE! also. help me find oatmeal. im obsessing!


Unknown said...

We are here and we love you too. We are off to Guide Dog stuff today. It is really a beautiful day here in San Rafael... Miss you and will check into mailing you some oatmeal on Monday. Love your Mom

Colorado said...

Hello from Colorado,
G'ma came to visit for Mason's birthday, who is 5 years old on Monday. We've been reading the blog,and really enjoy it, it sounds like fun.

It sounds like the trip is tooooooooo much fun, is there any art studies in your near future, hehe.

Today we 'all' (well, the younger ones) went swimming at the pool near Nikki's house.

The pictures are great, the scenery is fantastic.

This will be the last day G'ma that will read the blog, unless we can talk her into getting a computer and getting online. .. have FUN!!!!