Friday, August 24, 2007


Originally uploaded by stevi.sayler
I just got back last night from three days in Rome! we traveled around and saw all the sights, the borgese, the vatican, pantheon, spanish steps. did all the touristy things, you know bought jewlry with pictures of the pope on it, made friends with local bar owners and got really grimmy and dirty on the subway! fun! overall my experience in Rome was much better than last time, i was able to take a little bit more time and walk a little slower and actually enjoy my self yesterday because we had a free day and were not being herded around at breakneck speeds. i am currently uploading all my pictuers that i spent HOURS editing them all last night and this morning. i am very proud of a few of them, but some like the ones in the sistene chapel and such just didnt turn out as amazing as i had expected.
oh well, i guess that is just gonna have to be one of the places i got back to visit when im in Rome for two more days right before i come home. im a little homesick today, just as everyday. but im starting to realize that i will be home actually very soon, then i start to think of all the things that i will miss when i come home, as much as i hate to say it, i think i will very much miss all the random guys hitting on me. hehe. how often in the united states will a gorgeous italian man stop you on the street to tell you that your are beautiful? i dont know about you, but i can honestly say that has NEVER happened to me in Oregon. it seriously happens here so much! all of us complain about it, because it does get very uncomfertable, but it makes you secretly feel better inside. and i will miss seeing all these beautiful sights, even just walking to class everyday i walk past the giant wall built around the building, and i can see an amazing view from the street just outside my apartment. i plan in the next few days to take my camera and just take pictures off all these little things that i see everyday that make me happy so that i can see them, and maybe it will make me feel less homesick.
Now that i am back in Siena we have just this last week to get all of our work together and finished for the gallery that we will be doing, so far its going to be an installation piece with small paper boxes that we all build to make up one larger structure/pile. i have to build 4 of these shapes by tmro and i know that its really gonna take a lot more planning and math than i would like, so that stressing me out a little, but i tihink it will all turn out all right.
right now my brain is super scattered and all over the place, i just can't seem to stay on one subject or keep from getting distracted, right now all i can think about is my container of coffee and carmel flavored gelato sitting in the freezer at home! doesn't that sound wonderful? i can't wait!
i should probably end this post with something interesting to reward my wonderful readers with something a little less boring. well lets see.... OH i can tell of my wonderful amazing purchase at the vatican museum shop, so i walk into the little shop and i am instantly delighted at the sight of two nuns who are running the counter of this shop that is competely full of absolutely anything they could put the picture of the pope on, such as calendars, post cards, cups, books AND jewlery! they had little charms for necklaces and bracelets all spread out over the counter in little containers, there in the center was one that caught my eye, this was a small box full of plastic, colorful, glittery charms with a picture of of new, scary looking pope mounted right in the center of a circle, diamond or square. i almost screamed, this was the best thing i had seen all trip! i decided to get a pink dimond with glitter in it, and of course a wonderfully scary picture of the pope. my friend got a matching one, so now we can both sport our necklaces that are tied on, and they will stay there until they fall off our necks!!
pictures of that are coming soon!!!!! just you wait!
ok, im gonna go eat icecream now. maybe i will post more later.

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