Monday, August 6, 2007


hello all, i have very littletime to post right now,but i am currently in the aha office waiting for some other students to arrive so that we can all travel some towns in the area... including venice!ican hardly wait! well this weekend has certainly been a very eventful one! we partied with italians once again, i was literally swept off my feet bya very attractive italian man, we fryed at the beach and spent time just relaxing and enjoying the sights! i think i am really getting use to this life,but its certainly wearing me out! the typical day for an italian consists of a somewhat early morning, getting out to walk dogs, grocery shop andjust kinda enjoy the weather before it gets too scorchinghot out. then around 1 to 3 they take what is called a siesta or in other terms, a nice long nap! then they wait untill it is a bit cooler out to finally venture outside again. their nights aremuch much later than ours! dinner is usuallly around 9 or 10! i cant believe it! so when wego out it tends to be quite late if we actually wantto hang out with locals or go to a party or something. but the upside to this is we get much more into theculture and learn more about the people who live here who are our age.
for those of you with facebook, i will be posting a few picytures that other people took of the parties and such, they are really funny! for the rest of you, i will try to figure out how to put a few on my flicker page! especially the picture of my italian man! hehe! this guy didnt speak any english at all, he just came up and quite literally swept me off my feet and we spent many songs after that just dancing all overthe place. mind you, this was not the horrible grinding and slutty dancingthat often happens in dance clubs, but we spun and did all sorts of crazy dance moves! heheh it was certainly very entertaining!
lets see, what else... ahh yesterday we wentto the beach near here and spent the whole day just relaxing and practically buring our skin off! i remembered to use sunscreen and i was so proud of my self and happy that i used a bunch of spray sunscreen... however, it was windy when i was putting it on, i missed a few places so i have the oddest places that are absolutely scorched! its funny, yet painful!
im not too sure of what all is happening in venice and vincenza, but this is not because we have confusing plans, or that we dont have much to do, but instead way too much to even remember or repeat!
the good thing, is for each of the important places that we will visit,we are required to write a post expaining what we see, and how we feel about it! so all of thiswill begoing on the internet verysoon! are you excited? iknow i am!
well i must be off. but i love and miss you all!
and to those of you who emailed me, i will email you soon! i have no time rightnow,they only gave me a few minutes.


Unknown said...


I am so glad you are mingling with the locals. As your father, enjoy your Italian gentlemen friend, but not too much. Have fun in Venice.

Love, Dad

Tami said...

Exquisite scenery, Amazing Architecture, Siestas and Italian men....I am green with envy!!!! Please dont post anything about wonderful Italian Leather Shoes or I surely wont be able to read anymore. Im sure that you are having an amazing time. Just for a sp;it second I felt sorry for you that you cant find any oatmeal but then again I remembered where you are and what your doing...hmmm Love Ya Tami