Monday, August 20, 2007

Hello all, i realize i have posted a lot lately, but it has all been boring school stuff and no random updates on my life, well im very much alive right now, i spent all day in the sun at the beach yesterday and i am still very tired from that! its a one and a half hour bus ride and a complete bore, but the view and the sand and the water make it all worth it! we spent about 5 hours in the sun and headed to the bus to catch the earlier one, and watched it zip right on past us in the opposite direction, appppppartently we had to be standing on the other side of the street for the bus driver to see us. so we had two hours to kill and a small beach town, so we were able to wander around and find a nice little restaurant/irish pub were i got a wonderful salad. this was especially exciting for me because the salads around here are either nonexistant, gross or really really expensive. i however found the perfect one for 3 euro! score!
i have to say this trying to live in italy thing on a budget has been a challenge, but im actually getting way into the shopping for my food and eating all healthy and happy. i would much rather do it this way than stuff my self on rich food and be in a constant search for something to buy. i can now instead be looking at the sights and trying to take it all in.
OMG last night, i almost forgot about this, there was this huge thunder and lightning storm! it was amazing! it hit around 4 or 5 and it SHOOK everything, i was actually scared! but at the same time i was completely loving it! i fell asleep listening to the sound of the rain pelting against my window and had a dream where i was back in eugene durning a dark rainy day, just staying in all day in my apartment making hello kitty shaped waffles and watching scooby doo all day! omg gotta go

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Did you ever think you would miss the rain?

The next rainy day you are home, we will have to sit under the "amphitheather" and enjoy the rain.

I can hardly wait for yu to come home.

