Monday, August 27, 2007


well i said i would write a blog today, so here it is! i didnt find the time to write out my required ones yet, there will be four of them on the sites that we went in rome, a response to a really sweet reading we did and then a final post. so those are super fun things to look forward to! magical fun time for everyone!
i just finished my one and only italian test and it was like 5 questions long and super easy, so i can't compain about being stuck in there, because i figure he just took pitty on us and knew we couldnt learn that much in only five classes. we didn't even learn helpful things for living in italy, it was grammar. sweet. but im so very happy to be done with that, now i jsut have to finish some blogs and do a few other things and i will be all done with my work for this summer term thing.
what else can i talk about, we finished the construction of our cube shape all around town yesterday, there was much sweat, even more tape and a little blood, but we got it all done! i can't wait to see the pictures all put togther, we took them almost time lapse style and we are going to show it like a stop motion video in the gallery. omg its gonnna rock! its just us constructing a giant cube, putting some people in it, then tearing it down in a public place. i don't think there are any pictures online yet of what it looked like, but rest assured, the second there are, they will be on here! it turned out amazingly well and our work and time definately paid off.
so now all that is left to do is some odds and ends to get ready for the gallery here, and then the whole rome thing. i have to leave here the same day everyone else heads back home, but instead of going home i have to hangout in rome for two more days. i guess i can't compain, how many people get to just chill out in Rome on their own. but im so ready for my own bed, my family, good food and NO MORE ITALIAN MEN! but i guess i can take this opporitunity to buy some more pope gear and maybe another knockoff purse!! anyone want a sweet charm with the popes face on it?
hmmmmmmmmmmm whatelsewhatelsewhatelse... ive done very little today other than study a little and paint my nails. i don't imagine that would be to interesting for all you wonderful readers. whom ever you may be.
i want to be home right now. damn. i love it here, don't get me wrong, but it hits a certain point where you just want to be able to do nothing at all. or to not have to worry about anyhting going wrong.
well i should go get some more work done. but i will try to post more tmro!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I am really looking forward to seeing the cube. I am having a hard time conceptualizing it. I am sure your photos will help.

I am looking forward to having you home.

