Saturday, July 28, 2007


Right now i am sitting in a little computer room at a hostel outside of Rome, its a meeting place for people my age from all around the world! its amazing how many languages i hear on a regular basis. the odd thing is italian is not nearly as common as english. it seems that when i go into a restaurant or a store they seem almost eager to speak to me in english. thats probably just to get me to spend more money or something like that. but its making everything much easier.
i spent all of yesterday relaxing by the pool and just having a down day because for the last few days i have been HIKING all over Rome! I have covered the city many times and seen probably more than the normal tourist sees in just a few days. its been amazing but absolutely draining. im almost counting the days untill i will be able to have a constant place to stay and people to talk to that i know speak english. this last hostel i stayed at was very spread out in a camping cabin sort of a set up and its been difficult to meet too many people so it will be nice to return to the heart of Rome today.
my mind is all over the place and it would be impossible to write all the things that are swirling around in it right now. i have come to the conclusion that traveling alone may have not been the greatest idea for me, its so overwelming and i miss so many people! its hard to say if i would give up the sights of Italy for a cupcake baking session and tea party with hannah or a nice relaxing movie with geoff.. but the thought is somewhat tempting.
last night i had a dream that instead of going to florence today like i had originally planned, i flew home for a just a day, it was so odd, i had to explain to all the people that i saw that i had given up and come back because the fast life of italy was too much for me. when i woke up i decided that even if it was an option i would not go home!
today my plans for the day are to pack up my HUGE back and lugg it all the way into the center of Rome where i have a hostel booked and i will drop it all off and set out for the colosseum and the surrounding areas with all the ruins. i went at night the other day and it was absolutely gorgeous, one of my travel buddies, a art history student from vancouver washington suggested that i go and kinda follow around a tour group so i can get some information about the sights, without having to pay some rediculous fee.
after all of that im gonna try to meet up with a girl from the group i will be studying with in siena, and maybe gorging myself on more gelato! my favorite flavor thus far is a chocolate hazelnut nutella like gelato mixed with a little vanilla with chocolate chunks, im gonna come back from italy weighting about 30 pounds more!
lets see what else i can talk about, i meet a really wonderful girl from brisben australia, we actually met on the train from the airport and discovered that we were staying in the same hostel. we then spent almost every minute for 3 days together traveling about, it was such a perfect coincidence that she was traveling alone AND staying in the same place as me. ohhh i have to check out in just 20 minutes, i better go! but i miss everyone and i will post more later when i have more consistant access to the internet. wish me luck!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Stevi, This is really wonderful.... I am going to enjoy reading all about your adventures. Enjoy and please do not worry about money too much. I love you.